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How many subscriptions are you currently signed up for? SubsCrypt allows you to pay for all your subscriptions with ETH💰 The future of subscriptions is right here 🌍


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

❶ Description: This service allows customers to easily manage subscription services as well as payments. We aim to make ETH payment one of the main payment methods in the future.

❷ Current Challenges: There is a limited number of services that accept ETH as payment. Our goal is to facilitate the use of ETH for everyday transactions, making it simple to pay for the content and services that we typically purchase. We envision a future where people can seamlessly buy and sell products and services with ETH, beyond just Defi, NFTs, and similar applications.

❸ Features:

  • Manage subscriptions for web2, web3, and creators in a unified platform
  • Real-time notification using PushProtocol
  • The ability to track and notify subscription renewals and payment information in real-time using Superfluid
  • User authentication using Worldcoin, which increases security and transparency

❹ Revenue Model: Assumes revenue from commissions and decentralized advertising revenue model

❺ Possible Use Cases:

  • Integration with game streaming services: By integrating SubsCrypt with gameing platforms, allow players to pay subscription fees using ETH to access specific games. This integration could create an entry point into the gaming industry and open up new markets.

  • Marketplace for Creators: With SubsCrypt, creators can set subscription fees for their work and allow customers to access that content. Customers can pay in ETH to access their content. This facilitates monetization for creators. This can revolutionize the digital content industry by making it easier for creators to monetize their work.

  • Donation platform for charitable organizations: Customers can use ETH to pay for access to exclusive content in the organization. Customers can use ETH to make recurring donations to the organizations they wish to support. This increases the accessibility of donations.

  • Integration with online education services: Integrating SubsCrypt with online education services will allow customers to enroll in courses and programs using ETH. This will facilitate access to educational content by offering users various payment options worldwide, making it easier for them to access online education through ETH.

  • Subscription services for healthcare data: Develop subscription services for healthcare data. Customers can access their health data and wellness information using ETH.

❻ Future features:

  • Notify users when the subscription period is ending soon using Push Protocol
  • Support multi-chain (support whatever Superfluid supports )
  • Add creator's sign-up page (users can start their subscription plan from our platform)
  • Swap/Bridge functionality to get the necessary cryptocurrencies to start a subscription

How it's Made

  1. Superfluid: It facilitates fixed-fee transactions and recurring payments without renewing subscriptions every month. It also reduces the gas fees since only gases are required when starting and canceling the stream for users and depositing money for receivers.

  2. Worldcoin: It increases security and transparency in the app by authenticating users with a phone number or orb.

  3. Push Protocol: It adds the functionality of real-time notification. Currently, it notifies the users only when the stream starts or is canceled.

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