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SubgraphGen with UCS

Streamlining Smart Contract Development

SubgraphGen with UCS

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Scroll - Best on Scroll

Project Description

"UCS & SubgraphGen" addresses the complexities of smart contract development by introducing the Upgradeable Clone Standard (UCS) and an efficient data indexing tool, SubgraphGen. UCS simplifies contract upgradeability and cloning, allowing developers to create more flexible and maintainable smart contracts. SubgraphGen streamlines the process of indexing and querying blockchain data, accelerating application development. Together, they enhance the overall developer experience (DevX) by reducing the intricacies associated with smart contract development and data management. This project significantly eases the development process, making it more efficient and effective for blockchain developers.


How it's Made

During the hackathon, it was challenging to implement all the functionalities of the project within the allotted time. Therefore, I focused on preparing a basic yet essential sample that demonstrated the core capabilities of our project. After the hackathon, I plan to continue developing the project, taking into account the valuable feedback and suggestions from the community.

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