Subfluid is a crypto-native subscription protocol implemented with account abstraction and the Aave ecosystem.
This system enables subscription service providers to continuously receive cryptocurrency payments, while also offering cashback incentives to paying users to encourage ongoing participation. Users pay with USDC through the AA wallet, which is automatically deposited into the Aave lending platform. Each month, GHO stablecoins, generated from these collateralized assets, are sent to service providers as subscription fees. The cashback feature ensures users find value in maintaining their asset collateral, thus keeping the fund pool operational and solvent. This model aims to leverage DeFi's benefits to offer a novel solution for subscription service payments, maintaining the fund pool's stability and attractiveness through cashback and incentives.
After creating an AA account, users need to deposit USDC test tokens into it. Following this, by clicking 'Subscribe', the USDC will automatically be staked, and GHO tokens will be minted and transferred to the creator. This process does not require any repetitive actions; a single button press is sufficient. Below is the testnet on-chain receipt record for the creator:
The technical principles of the project are: