Push back the limits of what's possible with a uniswap hook thanks to arbitrum's stylus technology.
Prize Pool
The introduction of hooks has opened up an infinite range of possibilities for defi, but as hooks become more complex and handle more and more data, their gas cost becomes exponential, to the point where it will be very costly, if not impossible, to use certain pools because of the hook attached. Thanks to stylus, we can push back the limits of what's possible with hooks, making hooks much more complex and managing much more data without necessarily being expensive in terms of gas.
With uniswap v4 template, stylus sdk, arbitrum blockain, use nextjs with react and ethers for the website, solidity and stylus for the blockchain part, web3modal for wallet connection and much more technologies Inspired from uniswap hook limit order example converted to stylus, calculate gas between the two technologies.