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Stylish Stylus

Stylish Stulus, Expanding the horizon of smart contract development with zig and our Stylish IDE!

Stylish Stylus

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Arbitrum - Best Stylus Project 🥇 Winner

Project Description

Arbitrum's stylus solve a very important problem of having the freedom to write our smart contracts in the langauge we like, Our team believes in the same principal and have come up with Stylish Stylus! Stylish Stylus is implements the lightning fast zig language for the stylus protocol so that users can write the smart contracts in the Zig langauge. Why Zig? Zig is a lightning fast language which is considered to be the next "C lang" which also comes with very small WASM binaries that are ideal for blockchain. We have also implemented a IDE/Playground where user can directly experience how awesome writing smart contracts with Zig is! Users can also experience writing smart contracts with other languages supported by Stylus and Can directly deploy their smart contracts onChain with just a few clicks so the users don't have to go through the whole process of setting up an environment.


How it's Made

Implementing support for a new language to such a large developement system comes it's set of chanllenges, As Stylus had implmentations for the smart contract developement in langauges such as Rust and C/C++, there were functionalities that are specific to the Rust lang there just weren't present in Zig lang, to get over this problem we had to find a different way to implement a couple of features.

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