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An Omni-Chain Token Streaming Micro-Rollup


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Transferring tokens has been one of the most basic and crucial mechanisms of crypto ever since its inception. However, the problem of token streaming and its specificity to only a few chains still remains as a partially solved problem.

What streamroll does is that we abstract away the complicated and computationally heavy bit in a suffieciently decentralised micro-rollup built on stackr in a way that the user has an even smoother experience than on any chain. We have built the protocol as so that the user only needs to bridge their tokens from any EVM onto our network, perform any actions related to streaming as they usually would, and most importantly, withdraw these tokens on any EVM network of their choice.


How it's Made

One of the major challenges was designing a tokenomics system that supports streaming, is fair to the user, and works regardless of the chain the tokens import or export to.

There was also a huge learning curve involved on getting behind the scenes of a chain, writing rollups and letting go of mental models around the new architecture. Once we figured that out, it was all smooth sailing building rollups with the Stackr SDK.

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