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Streaming Collateral

A Dapp providing loans using advanced collateral types such as a Salary NFT. The NFT acts as an anchor for streaming tokens and can be used to secure a loan. After receiving the NFT the loan contract sends the principal to the borrower and manages the streams until settlement.

Streaming Collateral

Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of

Chainlink Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Superfluid Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Superfluid - Most Futuristic Hack

Project Description

A Dapp that provides loans using advanced collateral types such as a Salary NFT. The NFT acts as an anchor for streaming tokens and can be used to secure a loan.

A user requests a loan from the lending Dapp, reviews the terms, and signs, thereby initiating the loan. The Dapp then deploys a contract to which the user sends the Salary NFT. Upon reception the contract transfers the loan principal to the borrower. As time goes by and enough salary has accrued to pay off the loan, the contract returns the Salary NFT and settles the accounts.

How it's Made

A user requests a loan from the lending Dapp, reviews the terms, and signs, thereby initiating the loan. The Dapp then deploys a contract to which the user sends the Salary NFT. Upon reception the contract transfers the loan principal to the borrower. As time goes by and enough salary has accrued to pay off the loan, the contract returns the Salary NFT and settles the accounts.

The Dapp interacts with the user and deploys a Solidity loan contract from a template. Superfluid is used for money streaming to a Salary NFT and from the contract to the Dapp wallet. The loan contract will use a ChainLink Keeper to manage events.

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