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Straight Line

Straight line is the easy way to introduce dynamic treasury to your Web 3 operations

Straight Line

Created At

HackMoney 2022

Project Description

The straight line project is about creating a composable infrastructure that enables Web 3 projects such as DAOs and NFT to introduce DeFi based treasury into their operations. The concept behind the project is to make it easy for a DAO to deposit funds into a safe an publicly monitor the treasury.

How it's Made

The project has been designed to integrate with Gnosis safe. The project uses the Zodiac modular contract framework to simplify the process of integrating into the Gnosis Safe contract. Straight Line consists of two primary contracts. There is the StraightLineModule.sol which is responsible for direct integration with Gnosis Safe and the StraightLine.sol contract which is responsible for treasury management. This is the contract that will integrate with DeFi and other investment protocols.

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