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Encrypted file storage and retrieval with DIDs and Wallet .


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

🥈 Streamr Network — Best Use

Project Description

We are building a file encryption service which allows users to upload their files on IPFS in an encrypted way and will enable them to retrieve them whenever they require We have enabled logging with different DIDs present in the ecosystem to depict the power of composable storage layers like IPFS Also providing a low-level SDK for other developers in the ecosystem to build cool stuff using our micro-service

How it's Made

We have used the IPFS as the shared storage layer to store the encrypted file, for the users who log in with their different DIDs. We have used login services from Login with unstoppable Domain, log-in with lens, and SIWE, for the proper management of the user's encrypted file we are using tableland to have an on-chain DB, to build several micro-service and to comply with the event-driven architecture we are leveraging the data streams provided by the streamr. All the on-chain activities are happening over the polygon.

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