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Stay Warm

"Stay Warm" is an innovative fully on-chain metagame where players manage tokens to survive and influence the game. After an initial ETH deposit, they strategize to be the last one standing, shaping the rules. The last remaining player wins all participants' deposits.

Stay Warm

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of


Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

"Stay Warm" is an innovative survival fully on-chain game where game rules can be changed through decentralized governance. The game uses a browser-based frontend for proposals, voting, and survival processing.

【Game Rules】

  • Joining the Game: A deposit of 0.05 ETH is required for participation. Upon depositing, players receive 750 tokens.

  • Base Rule: Players must burn 100 tokens every 24 hours to maintain their warmth. Failure to do so results in freezing and elimination from the game.

  • Governance: Players can propose additions or changes to the rules, accompanied by an implementation. Voting requires burning tokens and adopts quadratic voting.

  • Rule Changes: New rules are applied if, after a set period, the number of votes in favor exceeds those against.

  • End of Game: The last remaining player wins all the deposited ETH. If there is a tie, the prize is distributed equally.

【Game Strategy】

  • Proposing Favorable Rules: Consider adding rules that benefit you. Strive to gain support from everyone for governance approval.

  • Burning Tokens for Proposals: Force through beneficial proposals by burning many tokens. However, remember that tokens are essential for survival, making this a high-risk strategy.

  • Implementing Favored Games: Proposing games that you excel at can be effective. These tend to have higher chances of winning and approval.

  • Forming Alliances: Teaming up with others can be a beneficial strategy.

  • Altering Joining Rules: Changing the rules to allow mid-game entries can be advantageous. Collaborate with many friends for greater impact.

  • Proposing Prize Distribution Changes: Suggesting a more gradual prize distribution instead of a winner-takes-all approach might be a viable strategy.

How it's Made

【Technologies Used】 This project uses the following tools (we mentioned partner technologies later):

<Backend> - MUD framework: Developed by lattice for autonomous worlds and fully on-chain gaming, this framework enables the use of the Entity Component System (ECS) architecture. ECS architecture allows for the independent implementation of each system, facilitating secure and flexible modifications and upgrades. - @latticexyz: Essential for harnessing the capabilities of the MUD framework. - foundry/forge: Employed for the efficient building, testing, and deployment of smart contracts, ensuring ease of use and precision. <Frontend> - svelve: For the frontend, we chose Svelte for its innovative approach to UI development. Its compile-time framework converts components into efficient code that directly updates the DOM, leading to faster load times and a responsive interface. The reactive nature of Svelte simplifies state management, allowing for a seamless integration with our backend systems. - @latticexyz : We also use this package in frontend to connect with backend. - @web3-storage : We use this for storing proposal contents.

【Partner Technologies】

  • MaskNetwork :
  • Push Protocol : send notification if there is a new proposal.
  • Metamask : using snap with push protocol.
  • WalletConnect : connect wallet.
  • IPFS/Filecoin : use web3-storage to store the content of porposal.


  • Ethereum
  • Base
  • Scroll
  • polygon

【Notable Implementations】 Governing method to upgrade world in MUD framework.

【Challenges and Solutions】 The original access control of mud is complex and can't be used for voting and upgrading directly. We implement the voting and upgrading by ousrselves.

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