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Our project "StarkAid" is a decentralised crowdfunding application on StarkNet tailored specifically for disaster relief and scientific research. It introduces a novel approach involving validators who oversee the verification process before projects can receive funding.


Created At


Winner of

Dynamic - Pool for projects which use Dynamic

Prize Pool

Project Description

The platform seeks to establish a robust platform where donors can confidently fund verified projects in disaster relief and scientific research. It also ensures that all transactions are transparent and validators are accountable, enhancing donor trust and engagement. Project owners come to the platform and start a campaign, providing the description, picture, or any documents that support their authenticity. Validators, who have staked on the platform the platform verify the application and once the quorum is reached, the project is validated. Donors can then access the project, contribute, and leave comments. Once the deadline/goal is reached, the funds are disbursed to the project owners. Projects that don't attain their goal before the deadline will have the option to prolong their project lifetime. Donors cannot contribute to a project once the deadline is reached. The application leverages StarkNet's scalability and low transaction fees to offer a transparent and efficient channel for donors worldwide.

How it's Made

Starkaid uses Cairo/starknet smart contracts for the backend and next js for the front end and ethers for integration deployed on the starknet testnet. Projects' metadata like images are stored on IPFS and the contracts receive the token uri which it uses to process the transaction. We intend to implement dynamic at later stages to help onboard all kinds of users.

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