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Stake-to-Play: sustainable economic mechanism for on-chain games / worlds


Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

Stake-to-Play mechanism:

  1. Staking is required for certain game actions.
  2. Players will stake to play.
  3. The funds will be locked up until the player finished certain game tasks or story lines.
  4. Meanwhile, the funds will be deposited into DeFi yield farms (like AAVE) for making some earnings.
  5. At any time, the player can withdraw the unlocked funds and yields.
  6. The system may also take a cut on the yields and redirect it for creative use case like setting up a jackpot price for the game winners.

Demo video:

How it's Made

MUDv2 is working great in general, will need more documentations and examples.

MUDv2 @latticexyz/world @latticexyz/store Phaser 3 wETH9 ERC20 @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol ERC4626 @openzeppelin Typescript Javascript ethers copilot from openAI

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