A bomb slot game built with a Stackr micro rollup to ensure fairness
The idea of this project was to build a small game (in this case a Bomb slot, where you have a grid, a game master can start a game by placing a bomb where he wants, and players can then guess a spot to uncover where they hope the bomb isn't).
A betting system can then be introduced for financial incentives.
This project is composed of a web frontend (React/Next/TypeScript/Tailwind) that will allow users to interact with the game (start a new round, play, connect their wallet, bet some money etc..). A Nest backend is then used with the Stackr SDK to build the backend game logic and state.
Note that unfortunately we greatly overestimated the time we could allocate to this online hackathon and for several personal factors couldn't produce enough work to submit a working or demonstrable project.