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Sqam Insights

Sqam ā€“ Community-driven Transaction Insights to fight back the scam. Comes with a handy Metamask Snap.

Sqam Insights

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of


šŸ’¹ Metamask ā€” Best Transaction Insights Snap


šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø The Graph ā€” Pool Prize


šŸƒ Airstack ā€” Runner Ups


šŸ’” Gnosis Chain ā€” Most Innovative dApps

Project Description

Sqam ā€“ Community-driven Transaction Insights.

Sqam allows community to collaborate in the fight against phishing and scam.

We created the protocol which can easily be integrated by wallet developers and other decentralized protocols to help protect their users. It allows to flag wallets, contracts and website domains, and uses onchain reputation system to provide transaction insights.

Sqam also comes with its own Metamask Snap which provides a reference integration of the protocol into a wallet.

How it's Made

Community members can flag (by emitting a Sqam record) deceptive websites and/or onchain addresses via Sqam registry contract with almost-free fast transactions on Gnosis.

Those flags are collected by our thegraph custom subgraph and are available to be consumed by the Metamask Snap (and other protocol integrations).

Sqam Records either "approve" or "reject" a web2 domain or an onchain address.

Our Snap calculates credibility of both approving and rejecting members to make an education decision about the score of the transaction. Credibility is calculated based on data fetched from Airstack.

Sqam uses a stateless smart-contract to allow for even lower gas fees.

Contracts: ā€¢ foundry (+openzeppelin) to develop stateless smart contract ā€¢ deployed to Gnosis (mainnet) + sepolia (testnet) via CREATE2

Web: ā€¢ vite + react + @chakra-ui ā€¢ WalletConnect + wagmi + viem

Other: ā€¢ Metamask Snap using mm snaps repo ā€¢ thegraph custom subgraph that indexes our contract ā€¢ number of AirStack queries for on-chain reputation calculation

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