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web3 scores attestation integrated to polygonid to allow a leveraged scores-gating for dapps


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥉 NEAR — Best Frontend built with BOS

🖼 NounsDAO — Best use of Nouns Art

🆔 Polygon — 🥈 Best use of Polygon ID

Project Description

scores give us a clear reasoning for a decision in just 1 figure. when getting a taxi on uber i can estimate how safe and comfortable the trip will be based on the driver's rating. in web3 scores cover different aspects representing the real way of how our identities are multidimensional. but this is an issue when it comes to creating the score-gated content or dApps as projects have to connect different solutions on their own and users can't actually use their scores to login to the platforms. instead, there's a complicated onboarding with minting, updating, connecting and proving each different score.

we integrate the existing scores (degen score, gitcoin score, cred score, AML), build the on-chain wallet reliability score (airstack) and check the humanity (worldcoin) to allow the score-gated sign in via polygonID.

now, firstly

  • everyone can get their scores into one score passport (and potentially we can also enable minting the scores in one button in one UI) secondly
  • get the sign in feature to the score-gated DAOs, airdrops, communities or dApps in one click with PolygonID thirdly,
  • view an on-chain attestation on EAS with all the wallet data which allows to do the cross-check of the identity (eg I can check both social + defi reputation. or i can check the humanity of the user with a great defi reputation)

basically our score is incorporating social score (lens, farcaster activity), wallet data (on-chain activity - transactions, POAPs, NFTs, tokens), Gitcoin score, Degen score, Nomis score, Cred score, Worldcoin ID so then it gets calculated on the back-end (which ideally should be decentralized on lit protocol or something) and therefore gets attested

How it's Made

we've built a simple smart contract, back-end and front-end.

front end the user flow to mint an SBT NFT + attestation of the scores passport and add it to the polygonID deployed on NEAR BOS


  • PolygonID - we issue an attestation to the PolygonID wallet with the scores passport data. our schema incorporates all the indentity details
  • EAS - we issue an attestation of the scores passport
  • Airstack - we get the wallet reputation data (NFTs, POAPs, tokens, transactions) and the Lens handle -Lens - we get the Lens data to assemble the Social score

Smart contract our smart contract mints an sbt nft with the scores passport data and a nounsdao artwork in the smart contract all the metadata on the NFT is dynamic so everytime the user updates the score passport with the new scores the metadata in base64 will be updated as well.

background image mobile

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