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Sponsor Gas

A portal that brings together users and gas fee sponsors in a seamless ecosystem. With SponsorGas, gas fee sponsors can configure conditions for sponsoring user operations.

Sponsor Gas

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

A portal that brings together users and gas fee sponsors in a seamless ecosystem. With SponsorGas, gas fee sponsors can configure conditions for sponsoring user operations. Users who wish to avail of this sponsorship can fulfill the requirements set by the sponsor, and in return, get their user operations funded. The Idea for the hackathon is to create a platform where sponsor can configure the paymaster conditions(like watch a video, answer a question, hold an NFT, sybil resistant identity) and some sample applications( ETH GLOBAL Staking for events, Minting NFT ) which will use SponsorGas paymasters, giving their users the options to select from best available paymasters for gasless transaction.

Deployed Paymasters on Base, Optimism Integrated Worlcoin

How it's Made

This hackathon build has two Interface one which sponsors will use to configure their conditions for paymaster. This will create a record of configured paymaster criteria's. Sample applications which will use these paymasters to provide their user's with options to select the best paymaster for them. Paymaster contract will be developed in solidity and deployed on Base and Optimism test-net using hardhat. Sample application contract like staking and NFT contracts will also be deployed on Base and Optimism. The UserInterface for both Sponsor Gas Platform and Sample Applications will be developed using NextJs framework with tailwind css for styling components. Data regarding paymaster will be save on backend DB(postgre).

When configuring the paymaster criteria using SponsorGas interface user need to login with github account. Some related data is stored on IPFS/Filecoin network (like video or images). There are 4 conditions sponsor can configure for their Paymaster

  1. Ask user to watch a Video(ad)
  2. Ask user to answer a question. 3 Check whether user hold particular NFT from a given collection.
  3. Ask user to prove they are human via Worldcoin ID.
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