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Drop rewards to community seamlessly with claimable links on OP stack


Created At


Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin β€” Pool Prize

🏊 Mode β€” Prize Pool

Project Description

We attend Web3 events often and only some of them reward their attendees via POAP or NFT. The organizing entity lacks such an easy-to-go platform or tools to build and ship their NFTs in a few seconds. So we want to remove that friction for every community guy. Spectra is a one-stop solution to reward attendees or contributors in just a few seconds. It supports the best networks to give seamless UX on the OP stack. We provide a simple interface to create an NFT collection and airdrop it just by giving JSON of addresses. One can also share the claimable link to mint NFT at the user’s convenience. We also provide dev tooling to airdrop created NFTs in batch through ready-to-use API.

  • Create NFT: Make your own collection providing metadata
  • Does ERC1155: Any one can airdrop NFTs with their own address or created NFT on OP stack
  • Multichain support: We are live on Optimism, Base, Zora, and Mode
  • Authentication kit: Providing additional layer of auth using Worldcoin for minting

Create your own marketplace hassle-free with Spectra. We provide you with everything you need to reward your community. No need to worry about the technical details – we've got you covered.

How it's Made

Spectra is live on @Optimism, @Base, @Zora, and @Mode. We wrote smart contract factory using Solidity for ERC1155. We followed modular structure throughout the code to implement components and API. Added authentication layer for minting using @Worldcoin SDKs. We used Next.js, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS to build this sleek UI.

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