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Space Steaks

Space Steak is a PvP conquest game. We tried to replicate the "simple mechanics complex strategies" features of Chess or Go. The main action is staking on planets & winners earn the stakes.

Space Steaks

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!

🥈 SKALE — Best Use

Project Description

Space Steaks is a battle between 2 players who compete to take control of the map. The game is carried out by staking ETH on planets you control, which boosts the offense and defense of that planet. Be careful though, because there is a delay to unstake relative to the amount of ETH you put in. The player that conquers an opponents planet with ETH on it takes the ETH. The game ends when one player conquers all planets along with the opposing players deployed ETH.

How it's Made

This project has its own smart contract deployed on Polygon, Skale and Optimism. We used Vue on the frontend with ethers/web3 to connect to our smart contract and interact with it. The game engine stores some cache state on Firebase to keep the game as real time as possible. Game assets and UI were designed on Figma and Illustrator.

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