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Space Dock

Space Dock is a Retro Public Good platform that facilitate tracking key metrics and funding individuals and projects contributing to public good on the Optimism ecosystem.

Space Dock

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Project Description

The platform tracks on-chain and reported off-chain data to showcase key metrics for teams and individuals in the ecosystem. Creators can register on Space Dock to display performance indicators like daily active users, TVL, and lines of code shipped. The public information aids transparency and accountability.

Registered participants also gain access to community feedback features. Members of the Optimism ecosystem can leave reviews on projects to help gauge sentiment and progress. Public polls allow the community to voice opinions on development direction.

To empower the community to directly fund public goods, Space Dock incorporates a proposal system. Anyone can submit proposals for grants to support builders, initiatives, research or other worthy causes. Token holders can then vote on which proposals to accept and fund from the communal treasury.

By combining data-driven tracking, community feedback, and RPGF funding, Space Dock creates an on-chain public square for the collaborative curation and support of public goods on Optimism. The result is a thriving ecosystem where the common interests of users and builders are aligned.

How it's Made

Design: We used Figma to design project user interface.

Development: Frontend was programmed with NextJS and Tailwind. We used wagmi and viem to interact with the blockchain. Also we had to install apollo client to read data from the subgraph as we indexed projects created on our platform. We also used Web3 storage to keep hashed files uploaded for logo. The smart contract was written in Solidity and Hardhat development environment. We also leverage some OpenZeppelin contracts.

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