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A DeFi project funding platform built on the Ethereum blockchain can be a powerful tool for creating a decentralized ecosystem where anyone can create, fund, and support projects without intermediaries.


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project is a DeFi with a user interface for creating and publishing fundraising projects on an Ethereum blockchain network. It allows users to input project details, including a project title, description, target amount, deadline, and image, and submit them to the blockchain network to be published as a smart contract. They could also get a notification after donating to a project.

How it's Made

The program was built using a variety of technologies, including React, Vite, MetaMask, Polygon, Goerli, ThirdWeb, Push Protocol and Solidity. React was used as the frontend framework to build the user interface, while Vite was used as the build tool to compile the code. MetaMask was used as the wallet provider, enabling users to interact with the Ethereum network. Polygon was chosen as the blockchain network to host the application due to its low transaction fees and high scalability. Goerli was used as the test network for development and testing purposes. ThirdWeb was used as a middleware and dev platform, Push for notifications while Solidity was used to write the smart contracts that power the application's functionalities. The program also includes error handling for invalid inputs and loading animations to provide a better user experience.

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