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SoundSpot is a music NFT app where artists can upload their songs while the users can listen to the songs and the latest or the upcoming songs of the artist by taking the subscription model .


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Project Description

SoundSpot is an NFT music app where an artist can upload their songs and the end-users who wants to support the artist can purchase their subscription model and the users who support artist towards their work gets reward/loyalty award for their grants by providing them with NFTs and each NFTs hold unique rewards either through upcoming live concert entry, 1-1 video chat and so on.

How it's Made

We have made the app using : Smart Contract : Hardhat, Solidity, EtherJs For Frontend development we have used: NextJs, Wagmi, Typescript, TailwindCss, RainbowKit ScaffoldEth2 In the Front-end development, we have used Meta-header for making the website to make good UI for our app.

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