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Soul Cats

A cat game about spreading 💖LOVE💖 all across the Superchain

Soul Cats

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Project Description

😽 SoulCats is an NFT to NPC sandbox aimed at on-boarding more users onto the Superchain. It is created as a starting point for blending NFTs, ERC-6551, and the latest tech in generative AI.

At certain times when the Portal(minting) is open, Players will be able to adopt a SoulCat. A SoulCat is an NFT with art created via Stable Diffusion. Each SoulCat comes with 2 of 4 ERC-6551 tokens, and any player that can complete 4 of the tokens will be able to mint 💖LOVE💖 , allowing them to adopt additional SoulCats.

The SoulCats will be deployed across all the Superchains, and the hope is on future projects we'll be able to allow them to all play together across L2s.

How it's Made

The project is built on scaffold-eth, using customized thirdweb contracts. The generative art is created via a nodejs API server communicating with a self-hosted Stable Diffusion model styled specifically to create SoulCat art. The ERC-6551 implementation uses the wallet implementation at for transferring the gifts. Deployments and tokens used for the deploys were using each chain's deployment docs.

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