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Token gated implementation of a DATA DAO for wellness. Sleep to Earn!!!


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

This project combines a data dao for verification of wellness data that are anonymous and encrypted using lighthouse. It allows users to capture an image a day and wellness information for analysis. This would create a wellness journal over time which they can use to analyze their lifestyle and make necessary changes over time. The user can either pay credits for a lifestyle coach which uses the DATA analyzed by the DAO. The user can offset payments by sharing their information. The DAO is incentivized to store, verify and secure the data for analysis of good patterns which can lead to better wellness outcomes for users.

How it's Made

This project uses lighthouse and access conditions for Data DAO gating and encryption. We made use of the deal/bounty contracts from filecoin starter for the fevm related smart contracts extending it with an NFT and a Data DAO voting mechanism. For the frontend we used wagmi and daisy UI. Had to implement a custom RPC in wagmi for hyperspace to make things work. Proud that I was able to learn about the capabilities of technology stacks.

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