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MetaMask Snap enhances security through: 1) Lens Protocol integration, displaying contract interactions by followed users to flag potential spam 2) GPT-4 reviewing transaction methods, highlighting risks 3) Worldcoin KYC authentication. Prevent accidental spam contract approvals!


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


πŸ“œ Scroll β€” Just Deploy


πŸ”‘ Worldcoin β€” Best Sign in with Worldcoin App


πŸ”Ÿ Lens β€” Top 10


πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ Polygon β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

This project aims to enhance the Ethereum blockchain wallet, called MetaMask Snap, by developing extensions to improve security, user experience, and provide additional services. MetaMask is a browser extension that allows users to easily manage cryptocurrencies and digital assets, as well as perform transactions. The project's primary goals are as follows:

Lens Protocol Integration for Security Enhancement:

By integrating Lens Protocol, the system will display on MetaMask whether people you follow using the protocol have previously interacted with the smart contract. If no one you follow has ever executed the contract, this could indicate potential spam, helping users make informed decisions. GPT-4 Integration for Security Enhancement:

Before executing a transaction, the method's purpose and risks will be reviewed using GPT-4, with explanations displayed within MetaMask. This feature aims to reduce the likelihood of users inadvertently approving malicious contracts or transactions. Worldcoin Authentication for KYC (Know Your Customer) information:

Users will be unable to access services without proper identification and verification. This ensures that only verified individuals can participate, enhancing overall security. Superfluid Subscription Services:

Superfluid enables subscription services with payments at a per-second granularity. This feature allows users to pay for subscription services in real-time, enhancing the overall experience. The main issue the project addresses is the lack of transparency and understanding of the transactions being executed on smart contracts. Users may not know or check the details of the transaction, leading to an increased risk of inadvertently approving spam contracts. The integration of Lens Protocol and GPT-4 aims to resolve this issue by improving security measures and providing essential information to users before executing a transaction.

How it's Made

To build this project, we utilized a combination of technologies and frameworks, piecing them together to achieve the desired functionality and user experience. The primary components include MetaMask Snaps, Lens Protocol, GPT-4, Worldcoin, and Superfluid. Here's an overview of how each technology was integrated and their respective roles in the project:

MetaMask Snaps: We used MetaMask Snaps to extend the functionality of MetaMask, allowing us to show additional information and security features before a transaction is executed. MetaMask SDK facilitated the creation of custom MetaMask plugins to achieve this.

Lens Protocol: Lens Protocol is integrated into the project to provide an added layer of security. We used Lens Protocol API to fetch the profile and contract execution history of users being followed. This information is displayed in MetaMask, helping users identify potentially spammy or untrustworthy contracts.

GPT-4: We used GPT-4 API to analyze and review the methods being executed in the transaction. GPT-4 provided a summary of the contract information, as well as a description of potential risks, which are displayed in MetaMask for user consideration.

Worldcoin: Worldcoin's KYC (Know Your Customer) feature was integrated into the project to ensure that only verified users can access the service. Users who have not completed the KYC process are prompted to authenticate their identity during transaction confirmation.

Superfluid: We integrated Superfluid to enable subscription services with per-second billing. This innovative feature allows for more flexible and precise subscription plans for users.

To tie all these technologies together, we employed several tools and frameworks, including Truffle, Infura, and Linea:

Truffle: Truffle framework was used for smart contract development, testing, and deployment. Infura: Infura was used as an Ethereum node provider, allowing us to connect our application to the Ethereum network. Linea: Linea, a sponsor technology, was employed for secure, performant, and seamless management of the project's smart contracts. Although we did not employ any particularly hacky solutions, our project demonstrates an innovative use of these technologies and frameworks to provide an enhanced user experience and improve security during transactions. By combining the capabilities of MetaMask Snaps, Lens Protocol, GPT-4, Worldcoin, and Superfluid, we aimed to tackle the issues of spam contracts and unintentional transaction approvals.

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