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Risk Adjusted, Crypto Maximised: Analyse Risk, Compare Tokens, Invest in Bundles


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Powerloom - Data Maestro 1st place

Project Description

Diversified Token Allocation: Choose from different baskets of cryptos balanced based on different parameters and diversify your investments in crypto. Effective Risk Analysis : Analyse volatility associated with different tokens based on their previous performance using a machine learning classifiers and find the best token for yourself. Compare Performance of Tokens: Our intuitive and graphical interface presents an insight into how tokens compare to each other. Efficient Token Swapping: Easily trade tokens without spending a lot. It's like switching things up in your portfolio without it costing much.


How it's Made

  • Lack of testnet support for 1Inch
  • Pushing large files onto lighthouse and fetching using IPNS.
  • Creating Snapshotter node on Powerloom
  • Untrenched paths on Lilypad
  • New Deployment and verification issues on Scroll
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