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Your AI Web3 assistant directly inside your Metamask wallet in a snap🦊.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

MetaMask & Linea - Best use of Linea and MetaMask 1st place

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Project Description

Nowadays everyone has at least one wallet on Metamask and we would like to help people in web3 to perform complex operations from a simple text-prompt.

SnappyAI is a Metamask Snap🦊 which users can use as an AI assistant and ask for help on every transaction and ask for basic web3 information.

How it's Made

This project is a @Metamask Snap which uses @brianknowsai AI agent to generate transaction from a user prompt.

In the snap interface before asking for a text prompt the user can see all their tokens cross-chains, powered by @zerion APIs.

To launch the transaction generated by the snap, we have created a dApp using @walletconnect under-the-hood to power users to create txs.

Every tx generated with our snap is displayed and has a redirect to @blockscout to see the details of it.

Using our snap you can also register new @ENS by typing the string "register snappyai.eth"

Every OG user of our snap can mint an NFT on @Linea after he has performed at least a tx with us, with this NFT we have created a custom @PancakeSwap v4 hook that offers lower fees to swap on our partnered CL pool.

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