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Creating a data dao for individuals to collectively use with there post.


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Project Description

I was looking to create a data dao where users could use as middleware in front of posting to social media. This would allow users to pick a category that they usually post about (finance, crypto, defi, filecoin, etc...) add it with other users who post the same type of data and collectively rent it. The dao would has the opportunity to buy certain data and rent it out to larger entities. Example: a startup wants to get funded for an financial ai project , they need to find real human data. Someone in the dao know the start up and pitches the data that the dao just received. The dao then can receive funds from the startup after they are funded and members of the dao get paid and the group that created the dateset get paid.

How it's Made

Using solidity for the smart contract and running foundry as an environment. Next js for frontend with ethers.js and wagmi for blockchain integration . Ipfs for storage and golang kubo for large file storage and backend. I have not integrated these features just a thought into the tech that would be used.

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