Smoood Wallet

Payment wallet that even your grandma can use , built with Safe and Account Abstraction along with Security Qn based Wallet Recovery

Smoood Wallet

Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of

🅰️🅰️ Safe — Best Web2 Experience with AA

Project Description

Smoood Wallet is for everyone , who has Zero Knowledge about Crypto , but can still benefit from features offered by blockchain. It is a wallet with the smoothest payment experience along with Simple Wallet Recovery method , so even your Mom can use it to pay you.

There is no Crypto Jargon from the onboarding itself . These are the major feature of our wallet .

  1. Social Login - Sign Up/ Signin Using web2 login methods like gmail , AppleId and Phone number

  2. Safe MultiSig - Smart Contract Wallet with Safe , to support endless customisability using Guards and Modules for your wallet and provide the best in class security of your funds and experience

  3. Qr Code Payments , Users could just simply scan the QR Code from a merchant or a friend , and pay directly in a single click with 0 gas fees from the wallet.

  4. Wallet Recovery - We specifically designed a recovery system which is very prevalent , using a Combination of PINs and Security Questions to recover the wallet .

  5. Gasless Transaction - All the txs are relayed directly via SAFE relayer using GELATO 1 Balance in the backend to provide a friction free transaction experience.

  6. Last but not the least - Simple all crypto expense management section , to track all your expenses in crypto right from your dashboard

How it's Made

We are using Safe Account Abstraction Kit to Implement the whole Smooth experience on our WebApp . SAFE Auth Kit was used to onboard users with Social Login , via Web3AUTH SAFE Protocol SDK is used to interact with SAFE Contracts and the wallet. SAFE Relay Kit was used to relay the transactions via Gelato's 1 Balance & SyncFEE , to provide the user wit gasless experience. Transak is being used to add the Crypto-fiat ,on-off Ramping , so the user can just simply the crypto with Cards and other payment options.

The frontend application is built in Next.js along with designing using Tailwind CSS , and vanilla JS. Backend was built using Hardhat to create and deploy the contract. built in Solidity.

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