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Smartran is a platform that provides Money Streaming NFTs which can be used by the DAOs/companies to pay their members/clients.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

Unstoppable Domains

šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø Unstoppable ā€” Pool Prize


šŸ„ˆ Covalent ā€” Best Use


šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø NFTPort ā€” Pool Prize


šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø Superfluid ā€” Pool Prize

Project Description

šŸ”— Defi : Our project aims to make transactions (mainly payment of salaries and deals) completely decentralized and transparent along with solving a problem that is suffered by most of the employees/partners or everyone receiving payment for their work as a job.

āš“ļø The problem we Solve: In the current and recurring payoff system we are paid once in month and then have to wait for another month to get paid . This arises many day to day problem in ones life which can create problems at the time of any serious issues. Also, there are many delays in the pay in any organization that occurs due to various reasons, people get very uncertain about their pay as organizations starts cutting off their pay at the time of financial loss. Which harms public in many ways.

šŸ›  Solution : Our Application provides live time streaming of money that flows into the account of clients continuously with every second of time which can be easily withdrawn or transferred to any other wallet at any point of time. Providing transparency and security of payments. The payment that is to be made to the clients will be locked in the smart contract signed by both admin and client. Then the money will flow into the account of clients every second. You'll receive your entire payment by the end of the certain and predefined time but won't have to wait for you term to get over to receive your pay again . Thus making it much more convenient for the clients to receive their payment with transparency and with easy and convenient way.

šŸŽÆ Goal : Our ultimate goal is to make transactions and payouts much more convenient, transparent and Totally Decentralized. Solving issues faced by almost everyone in today's world. We Aim at resolving financial issues faced by common people

How it's Made

Sponsor Integrations -

Polygon Dapp - The whole app is deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet.

NFT.Storage - NFT.Storage is used to mint User Profiles as NFTs and store them in a decentralized way.

NFTPort - NFTPort's API is used to upload the image of the plant which is planted by the users.

Covalent API - Covalent API is used for displaying the portfolio of the user.

Unstoppable Domains - Admin and Users can Login in the dapp using their custom NFT Domains.

Superfluid - Admins can create money-streaming NFTs. These NFTs when sent to their client, will start streaming income to the clients every second.

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