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Smartogents is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance the understanding, testing, and simulation of smart contracts on the Galadriel Devnet.


Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

Smartogent aims to revolutionize the way developers interact with and understand smart contracts by leveraging AI and decentralized storage solutions. This platform provides an intuitive interface for uploading and storing contract ABIs on IPFS, and utilizes AI agents to offer comprehensive overviews, simulations, and detailed documentation generation. Additionally, the platform offers utility functions such as gas cost estimation, security analysis, and script generation, ensuring a robust and user-friendly experience. Contributing to the platform is rewarded with NFTs, encouraging the growth of a collaborative and innovative community.

Key Features

User-Friendly Contract ABI Upload and IPFS Storage: Easily upload your contract's ABI and securely store it on IPFS. AI Agents for Comprehensive Contract Overviews and Simulations: Obtain detailed overviews and interactive Q&A for better understanding of your contract. Utility Functions: Gas cost estimation Security analysis with warnings and alerts for potential issues Script generation for contract simulation and event logging Automated Documentation Generation: Generate complete documentation for your contract based on its ABI. Custom Solidity Code Generation: Request and receive Solidity code for similar contracts tailored to your needs. NFT Rewards for Contributions: Earn an NFT by adding new contracts to the platform. Project Flow

View Existing Contracts: Browse the list of registered contract ABIs. Upload Contract: Upload your contract's ABI to IPFS if it is not already listed. Contract Overview: Receive a detailed overview and interact with AI agents to explore the contract's functions and potential issues. Generate Documentation: Use AI agents to automatically create comprehensive documentation for the contract. Script Generation: Generate simulation scripts. Create event loggers. Estimate gas costs. Earn NFT Reward: Receive an NFT for each contract added to the platform. Future Features

Enhanced Solidity Code Generation: Develop custom Solidity code for new contracts upon request. Advanced Security Analysis: Perform in-depth security checks, generating alerts for potential vulnerabilities. How to Use

Upload Contract ABI: Use the intuitive interface to upload your contract's ABI. Store on IPFS: The ABI is securely stored on IPFS for decentralized access. Engage with AI Agents: Access comprehensive overviews, simulate interactions, and estimate gas costs using AI agents. Generate Documentation: Automatically produce detailed documentation for your contract. Earn NFT Reward: Contribute to the platform by adding your contract and receive an NFT as a reward.

How it's Made

The project uses Galadriel Devnet and OpenAI for an AI-powered smart contract analyzer and simulator. This tool will combine AI agents with smart contract analysis, and simulation, to enhance the understanding, and testing of smart contracts on the Galadriel Devnet.

Galadriel for the AI Agents Solidity for the smart contracts React for the frontend IPFS for the ABI storage(lighthouse)

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