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It's an idea for traceable and transparent grading for any level of education in blockchain technology.y way.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

We have Smart Grading platform powered by ENS. We have mainly two scenarious. First scenario: Student register to SmartGrade with inputs; 'name' and 'student id', after click on 'register' button, he/she gets his/her ENS subname. Second Scenario; we validate his/her attendancy with ENS subname. So, Instructor knows that the student having any action in the system (ex. taking exam) is the registered student.

How it's Made

We joined ENS workshop. We developed ENS Offchain resolver for Registration Scenario. Then we add validation steps to our project. We sent POAP to the student's connected wallet for attendacy of the action, "in our scenario "registration". We match the student ENS subname with the POAP owner to validate that student is the right one. We tried deploy to our project to Sepholia testnet.

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