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Smart Pay

Simple Secure Transactions allow users to do online payments without hassle of connecting and allowing multiple sites

Smart Pay

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Introducing a seamless payment solution where trust meets convenience. Imagine making payments without sharing access or worrying about safety. With our innovative system, you can securely pay without the hassle of allowances or connecting wallets, giving you peace of mind every time you transact. The current process for ERC20 token payments on websites involves multiple intricate steps, creating friction for users. To complete a transaction, users must navigate to the website, establish a wallet connection, and grant ERC20 token allowance to the app for payment. This convoluted process poses barriers, leading to usability issues and concerns around security and user trust. Introducing a groundbreaking solution to streamline ERC20 token payments: Trust Wallets, acting as secure intermediaries that never store any tokens. Our approach involves partnering with websites to establish collection accounts within our system. Websites seamlessly integrate these accounts, simplifying transactions by allowing users to connect directly to our Trust Wallets. This innovative system ensures enhanced security, eliminates the need for token storage, and optimizes the payment process for a seamless user experience.

How it's Made

Time limit was the biggest hurdle we had, plus rapid prototyping visual editor would increase the speed of development a lot With further development we wish to create a incredable project

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