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Bridging the gap of crypto based micropayments and manage expense among groups, where in a single user pays for a group, which are then settled later by the individuals through both Fiat / Crypto


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Filecoin & IPFS - Most unique projects in the Filecoin Ecosystem

MetaMask - Best Gas API Application 2nd place

Project Description

  • In a diverse cosmopolitan group , some individuals are bound to be low on Fiat liquidity
  • Crypto emerges as a saviour to bridge these issues and can be used to settle the group payments.
  • Provides easy micropayments and financial micromanagements to track and settle expenses within groups.
  • Easy onboarding of users towards pool investments and pool lending.
  • Irrespective of how the individuals settle their pending amount, the receiver can decide on how he wants the finals amount (Fiat / Crypto)
  • The receiver can also decide on the crypto he wants to receive.


How it's Made

  • Deploying into multiple chains
  • On ramping and off ramping users
  • not much support to react native
  • storing private encrypted images with restricted access
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