Players compete by placing cards on a 5x5 board. Central row cards is worth 3x points, while columns 1 and 3 are worth 2x points and of course they can add up. Outplay your opponent by capturing territories and scoring higher. Fast -paced, tactical, and fun
This project is a proof-of-concept that explores the intersection of Web3 technology and traditional tabletop gaming. A classic card game with a 5x5 grid board and territory capture mechanics, enhancing it with blockchain-based features. The goal is to demonstrate how Web3 can add value to existing game designs.
Core Game Mechanics
Two-player Card Game: Players strategically place cards on the board, aiming to capture territory and score points based on card values and board positions (with multipliers for certain areas).
We started this project with the base given following the MetaMask and Linea workshop. Our project was made mainly with React and Typescript using the Wigma technologies in order to use the MetaMask SDK. For the smart contracts, we built them using Solidity and deploying them on the Linea Sepolia Testnet. As you can tell we use LineaETH for our transactions. We were worried about our backend costing too much gas fees so for the first version, the game is fully local hosted. The smartcontracts we made, are used in order to make a contract between the two players starting a game and to acknowledge the winner on the chain.