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Enabling communities to coordinate & fund innovation through the power of DAOs.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Managing DAOs and their associated activities can be a daunting task, often requiring a certain level of technical expertise. This high entry barrier poses a significant challenge for the majority, hindering widespread adoption. The governance model and tokenomics inherent in DAO management present complexities that deter individuals, organizations, and communities from initiating DAOs and leveraging platforms such as Discord and Telegram for streamlined activity management. Consequently, many resort to manual processes, leading to inefficiencies.

Recognizing these challenges, we are developing a decentralized infrastructure tailored for the seamless facilitation of various DAO activities, encompassing governance and tokenomics. Our objective is to reduce entry barriers significantly while preserving the trust associated with decentralization and ensuring tamper-resistant governance. This initiative aims to simplify the creation and management of DAOs, fostering broader participation and eliminating the need for extensive technical knowledge. Through this decentralized solution, we seek to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of DAO-related processes, enabling a more inclusive and user-friendly experience for communities, organizations, and individuals alike.


How it's Made

Navigating through the hackathon presented us with a myriad of challenges, each requiring a unique set of problem-solving skills. One of the most formidable tasks we encountered was the creation and seamless integration of smart contracts within the constraints of the limited timeframe. The complexity of coding and ensuring the flawless integration of these contracts added an extra layer of difficulty to our journey.

The deployment of contracts across multiple chains was another hurdle we had to overcome, demanding meticulous attention to detail and a robust system for maintaining accurate records. Wrestling with polyfills errors, RPC errors, and the GS13 execution error on the Gelato Relay Kit introduced a fair share of frustration, requiring us to delve deep into debugging and troubleshooting to resolve these issues.

The integration of AuthKit and Gelato Relay Kit, though taxing, evolved into a valuable learning experience. The process was not only demanding but also rewarding, providing us with insights into secure integration practices and enhancing our understanding of the underlying technologies.

Juggling multiple chains further heightened the complexity of our task. Coordinating and synchronizing actions across different blockchain networks demanded a strategic approach, forcing us to adapt to the nuances and idiosyncrasies of each platform.

Despite the challenges, our perseverance and commitment to overcoming obstacles allowed us to emerge from the hackathon with a wealth of knowledge and a sense of accomplishment. The journey, though arduous, served as a crucible for our skills, pushing us to expand our capabilities and refine our problem-solving prowess.

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