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SID is a project focused on providing users with a single digital identity or QR code that can be used to verify their identity anywhere in the world.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

SID is an on-chain protocol that will verify your government approved ID and provide QR code. QR code can be used by users to verify their identities in real world but that's not it. It can also be used on chain. For now you can prove your nationality with the token that is associated with the address with it. It helps user to secure their data which is publically available by government. The companies uses government provided apis to verify you are someone authorised but at the same time your details are also being used by company as, when you verify using government api's governement sends your compelete details from name to address to email id. This is where SimpleID comes in. It helps you to prove your identity without sharing details also known as Zero Knowledge proving.


How it's Made

Well it was hard to figure out which procotols to use as the concept which we were building on top of was zero knowledge proofs. We wanted to use something fast as well as gas efficient but on chain. So, we used Scroll. We deployed and verified our contracts on scroll. It was a bit confusing because docs were mostly senior developer focused. But we worked and got our way with it. We needed to create an API that would allow us to generate addresses everytime we have verified someone in order to mint a token for them. So we used safe. But again we didn't found any exmaple.

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