The Signet Protocol enables users to update smart wallet owner keys securely across multiple blockchains in a single, standardized operation. This system ensures seamless multi-chain compatibility and reduces user complexity as we move to a passkey-based smart wallet future.
The rapid growth of multi-chain ecosystems has created significant challenges for managing smart wallet owner keys across various networks. Currently, users need to manually update keys on each chain leading to a painful user experience and potentially diverging key states. A standardized, secure, replayable transaction mechanism addresses these issues by enabling a unified update process.
The Signet Protocol and EIP-7579 module leverage replayable transaction logic and a network of indexers, bundlers, and paymasters to propagate a single signed transaction across multiple blockchains. This ensures:
Consistency: Key updates occur uniformly on supported chains preventing diverging key states. Simplicity: Users sign one transaction instead of many. Security: Prevents the misuse of replayable transactions through function-specific validation and replayable nonce key.
Key Features
Modular Design: Integrates into existing EIP 7579 wallet architectures or can be directly integrated into existing ERC 4337 compliant wallets Permissionless: Any wallet provider can integrate and pay for a user’s key update calls Decentralized: The network of indexers and bundlers will run as an Actively Validated Service to ensure that no key update transaction can be censored by a centralized service. User Experience: Provides a frictionless process for end users.
This project focuses on writing the litepaper for the Signet Protocol. It does not entail the code written for the project during the hackathon.
The system uses replayable transaction logic and a network of indexers, bundlers, and paymasters to propagate a single signed transaction across multiple blockchains. It is written in solidity and typescript.