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OpenZeppline for Uniswap Hooks, easily install and use any pre available Uniswap Hooks


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Uniswap Foundation - Integrations & Periphery 3rd place

Project Description

ShipHooks is the ultimate toolkit for Uniswap developers, offering a robust and flexible framework for creating, testing, and deploying custom hooks. Built on the principles of OpenZeppelin, ShipHooks brings enterprise-grade security and efficiency to the world of decentralized finance.

How it's Made

Solidity: The core of ShipHooks is written in Solidity, the primary language for Ethereum smart contract development. We've leveraged the latest features of Solidity 0.8.x to ensure type safety and gas optimization. Hardhat & Foundry: Our development environment is powered by Hardhat and Foundry, providing a flexible and extensible toolkit for Ethereum development. Hardhat's testing framework and network simulation capabilities have been crucial in ensuring the reliability of our hooks. TypeScript: For our testing suite and deployment scripts, we've used TypeScript. This brings strong typing and improved developer experience to our JavaScript-based tools. Uniswap v4 Core: Our hooks are designed to integrate seamlessly with Uniswap v4, leveraging the new hook system to extend and customize pool behavior.

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