Shin Protocol

Proving your human credibility on-chain without losing anonymity

Shin Protocol

Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Prize Pool

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Shin Protocol provides a two-way proof to verify humanity/credibility of a user on chain without losing anonymity and staying decentralized. Shin is a platform where you can prove your authenticity by completing tracks & quests which are mostly decentralized. By doing this - you would increase your trust score which, other dApps would use to prove your humanity.

How it's Made

This project uses next.js & chakra on the frontend. We have used solidity for our smart contracts and ethers.js to connect them on the frontend. Project documentation is made on nextra by next.js. The project resides on the Polygon chain. We have used QuickNode for fetching user's on-chain analytics and integrate them into Shin's trust score. Bunzz, which we recently discovered helped us deploy our NFT contracts easily, which saved us a lot of time. ENS & LENS handle claims and verification were handled by their subgraphs on TheGraph. Lastly, Shin's on-chain notifications were made easy using Push Protocol.

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