Shielded Wallet

Protect your crypto asset from lost with Shielded. Send any on-chain transaction from 2FA non-custodial metawallet.

Shielded Wallet

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project helps protect your accounts from compromising with adding 2FA on any on-chain action. You need just scan QR-code with Auth App such as (Binance Auth or Google Auth). It is simply as you prove actions on centralised exchanges.

Save cold wallet in safest place. And then interact with chains with commonly 2FA experience. It is more times secure than have just one hot wallet.

User can change any factor(cold/hot/otp-device).

Create sending transaction, see your secured assets, create transaction from in-app DAPP browser, etc. We support for now (Superfluid and Uniswap)

Shielded cant access to your assets because server hold only 1 sign (user hold 2 another ones)!

How it's Made

We run Gnosis Safe infrastructure under the hood. So our wallets have backward compatibility with Gnosis Safe(aka Safe). We use this solution as smart-wallet base because gnosis is battle tested and well-audited.

Other Data stores in our servers. Such as 2FA seeds, logic for comparing signs for changing OTP factor, etc. Also we have incapsulated endpoints of Safe endpoints( transaction history, transaction to approve, token lists).

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