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SeedSphere is an on-chain funding Dapp that streamlines fundraising for Web2 and Web3 projects. Users submit one proposal to secure and manage funds across Celo, Optimism, Base, and Mode using the ERC4626A Vault, all on a secure and user-friendly platform.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Celo - Best Onchain Funding dApp 1st place

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Overview: SeedSphere is an innovative decentralized application (Dapp) designed to revolutionize the fundraising process for projects within the Web2 and Web3 ecosystems. By leveraging blockchain technology and a unique funding standard, SeedSphere offers a streamlined, secure, and efficient platform where project creators can easily seek and manage funding. The platform enables fundraising across multiple blockchains, including Celo, Optimism, Base, and Mode, all while maintaining a user-friendly interface that simplifies the traditionally complex process of securing on-chain funds.

Key Features

  1. Single Proposal Submission One of the most significant advantages of SeedSphere is its ability to simplify the funding process. Instead of requiring multiple forms and proposals, SeedSphere allows project creators to submit a single, comprehensive proposal. This proposal serves as the foundation for securing funds across different blockchains, drastically reducing the administrative burden on project teams and speeding up the funding process.

  2. Multi-Chain Support SeedSphere is built to accommodate the growing diversity of blockchain ecosystems. The platform supports funding across several prominent blockchains, including: Celo, OP Stack (Optimism, Base, Mode). This multi-chain capability ensures that projects can tap into a broader pool of potential funders, maximizing their chances of securing the necessary resources for growth and development.

  3. ERC4626A Standard SeedSphere introduces a new and unique standard for on-chain funding: ERC4626A. This standard builds upon existing Ethereum standards, incorporating features from: ERC4626(A standard for yield-bearing vaults), ERC7535(A standard for yield-bearing native vaults), ERC1155A(A standard used by Superform), ERC721A(A standard for gas efficient NFT minting). By combining these features, ERC4626A provides a robust framework for managing secure, on-chain funding. Projects using SeedSphere benefit from the enhanced security and flexibility of this standard, which is specifically designed to facilitate secure and transparent funding applications.

  4. SeedSphere Vault At the core of SeedSphere's funding mechanism is the SeedSphere Vault, which is built using the ERC4626A standard. This vault acts as a secure repository where funds are stored and managed. When a project receives funding, the corresponding amount is deposited into the SeedSphere Vault, and a unique ERC721 NFT is minted for the funder. This NFT represents the funder's contribution and can be used for various purposes, including showcasing support for the project.

  5. Verification and Security To ensure that only legitimate projects are funded, SeedSphere incorporates Worldcoin for user verification. This process helps to eliminate bots and fraudulent activities, ensuring that all projects seeking funding are genuine and verifiable. By adding this layer of security, SeedSphere enhances the trust and integrity of the funding process.

  6. Governance and Project Approval SeedSphere features a governance system where a designated admin team reviews all submitted projects. This team is responsible for approving or rejecting funding proposals based on predefined criteria, such as project viability, community impact, and alignment with platform goals. This centralized oversight helps maintain high-quality standards across the platform and ensures that only the most promising projects receive funding.

  7. Community Feedback Mechanism Once a project is approved and listed on SeedSphere, it becomes open to community feedback. The platform features a likes and dislikes system, allowing potential funders to express their support or skepticism. This feedback is visible to all users and serves as a valuable indicator of community sentiment, helping funders make informed decisions.

  8. Funding Pools for Emerging Projects SeedSphere also caters to projects that may not initially receive widespread support. The platform includes a funding pool feature, where users can contribute to a collective pool that supports multiple projects. The distribution of funds within this pool is managed by the governance team, ensuring that even lower-rated or emerging projects have a chance to receive funding. A unique mechanism within the pool allows contributions to be doubled, further incentivizing users to support a diverse range of projects.

  9. Publicity and Recognition SeedSphere enhances the visibility of funders' contributions by allowing them to showcase their NFTs on social media platforms such as Twitter and Farcaster. This feature not only provides recognition to funders but also promotes the projects they support, contributing to a thriving community-driven environment.

How SeedSphere Works: Proposal Submission: Project creators submit a single proposal through the SeedSphere platform, detailing their project, funding needs, and target blockchains.

Verification: Users undergo a verification process using Worldcoin to ensure authenticity and prevent fraudulent activities.

Governance Review: The governance/admin team reviews the submitted proposal, determining whether to approve or reject the project for funding based on various criteria.

Funding: Upon approval, the project is listed on SeedSphere, and funders can begin contributing. Funds are managed within the SeedSphere Vault, and contributors receive an ERC721 NFT representing their contribution.

Community Engagement: Projects receive likes and dislikes from the community, providing valuable feedback and influencing potential funders' decisions.

Withdrawal: Once the required funding is achieved, the project team can withdraw funds from the SeedSphere Vault using the secure ERC4626A standard, ensuring controlled and transparent access to the resources.

Funding Pools: Projects with lower initial support can benefit from funding pools, where collective contributions are distributed evenly among selected projects.

Publicity: Funders can showcase their NFTs on social media platforms, increasing the visibility of both their contributions and the supported projects.

Benefits of SeedSphere Efficiency: Simplifies the fundraising process by reducing the need for multiple proposals and complex administrative procedures. Security: Ensures that all projects and users are verified, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing the trustworthiness of the platform. Flexibility: Supports multi-chain fundraising, allowing projects to access a wider audience and diversify their funding sources. Community-Driven: Encourages community engagement through feedback mechanisms and funding pools, ensuring that even emerging projects have a chance to succeed. Visibility: Enhances the recognition of funders and their contributions, promoting a culture of support and collaboration within the Web2 and Web3 ecosystems.

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How it's Made

One-Liner: A secure on-chain project funding platform utilizing the unique ERC4626A Vault standard, developed by the SeedSphere team.

SeedSphere is a sophisticated on-chain funding platform designed to streamline the fundraising process for Web2 and Web3 projects across multiple blockchain ecosystems. The project leverages cutting-edge technologies and standards to ensure a secure, transparent, and efficient funding process. Here’s an in-depth look at how SeedSphere was built, focusing on the key technologies and tracks used in its development.

OP Track: Multi-Blockchain Support for Seamless User Experience One of the core elements of SeedSphere is its multi-blockchain support, which enhances user and funder convenience by allowing seamless integration across various blockchain networks like Optimism, Base, and Mode. This multi-chain capability is crucial for tapping into a broader audience and maximizing the potential for project funding. The Grants Monitor Tool was implemented to facilitate voting, giving users the ability to participate in governance decisions. An Enhanced Dashboard was developed to provide a user-friendly interface, where project creators can submit a single proposal for funding, streamlining what is typically a complex process into a more efficient one. The focus on the Superchain Maxis ecosystems ensures that SeedSphere is well-aligned with the latest developments in these high-performance blockchain networks.

WorldID Track: Ensuring Secure and Verified Project Submissions To eliminate bots and scams, SeedSphere integrates WorldID for user verification, which is a critical component in ensuring that only legitimate projects are submitted for funding. This integration provides an added layer of security by requiring all users to verify their identity before they can participate in funding activities. Verified funders can then confidently contribute to projects, knowing that the submissions they are supporting are authentic. This verification process is particularly emphasized on the Optimism and Base networks, where secure project submissions are paramount to maintaining the integrity of the platform.

Base Track: Secure On-Chain Payments with ERC4626A Vault On the Base network, SeedSphere leverages the ERC4626A Vault standard to facilitate secure on-chain payments and funding. This vault system ensures that all funds are handled with the highest levels of trust and transparency. By utilizing ERC4626A, SeedSphere is able to provide a standardized, secure, and efficient method for managing funds across multiple projects. This track not only ensures that the funding process is transparent but also instills confidence in funders that their contributions are being managed securely.

Celo Track: Premier Funding DApp Deployed on Dango Network For the Celo network, SeedSphere emerges as a premier on-chain funding DApp, utilizing the ERC4626A Vault to manage and distribute funds securely. The project was deployed on the Dango network for testing, where extensive form submissions and feedback were collected to fine-tune the platform. This testing phase was crucial in ensuring that the vault system was robust and capable of handling the unique requirements of projects on the Celo network. The deployment on Dango allowed for a real-world assessment of the platform’s capabilities, ensuring that it could meet the needs of project creators and funders alike.

Superform Track: Introduction of a New Conformant Vault System SeedSphere introduces a new conformant vault system through the ERC4626A standard, combining security with creative flexibility for on-chain funding. This vault system is designed to be adaptable, providing a secure framework that can be customized to meet the specific needs of different projects. The flexibility of the ERC4626A standard allows SeedSphere to support a wide range of funding mechanisms, making it a versatile tool for project creators across various blockchain networks. The Superform track highlights the innovative approach SeedSphere takes in ensuring that its vault system is both secure and adaptable.

Pyth Track: Interoperability Across Multiple Blockchains SeedSphere employs innovative utilization of Pyth contracts and priceFeedIds to achieve interoperability across multiple blockchains. By integrating Pyth, SeedSphere can provide real-time, accurate price feeds that are essential for managing funds in a multi-chain environment. This capability ensures that funders and project creators can operate with confidence, knowing that the platform is providing reliable data across different blockchain networks. The use of Pyth contracts also enables SeedSphere to handle complex transactions with ease, making it a reliable solution for secure and reliable funding processes.

Mode Track: Leading DeFi Funding DApp for the Mode Network On the Mode network, SeedSphere positions itself as a leading DeFi funding DApp, offering tailored solutions for projects looking to secure funding. The platform’s use of the ERC4626A Vault standard ensures that all funding activities are conducted with the highest levels of security and efficiency. This track focuses on providing project creators with the tools they need to succeed in a decentralized financial ecosystem, making SeedSphere an essential component of the Mode network’s DeFi landscape.

Blockscout Track: Transparent Contract Deployment and Verification Transparency and reliability are key pillars of SeedSphere’s development process, which is why all contracts are deployed and verified using Blockscout. This ensures that every aspect of the platform is open to scrutiny and that users can trust the integrity of the contracts managing their funds. By using Blockscout, SeedSphere provides a clear and verifiable trail of its smart contract deployments, reinforcing the platform’s commitment to transparency and security.

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