Secure Social Swap allows users to monetize their web2.0 social credentials by buying and selling their accounts.
Current account trading platforms like and require you to trust the platform to mediate the trades. With Secure Social Swap, it is done in a decentralized way through smart contracts. 0 Trust required.
We believe users should have sovereignty over their data. People should own their digital presence and feel free to sell any assets they have acquired, whether it be followers or weapon unlocks.
Selling your web2.0 social account may violate some terms of service, but it is not illegal to sell your youtube, twitter, or steam account.
If a seller sends bad login credentials, our oracle will deny it and stake is returned to buyer. If a buyer claims login doesn't work, but our oracle confirmed the login, the stake is paid out to buyer. This prevents scamming from both parties with no need for an intermediary.
Future considerations we have are:
Tech used: Vite, Solidity, Ethers, Threshold, Push Protocol