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📜 Scroll-ToDo-List

Scroll ToDo list. It used MUD framework for ambitious Ethereum applications. It compresses the complexity of building EVM apps with a tightly integrated software stack.

📜 Scroll-ToDo-List

Created At

Autonomous Worlds

Project Description

The Scroll-ToDo-List app build by MODE framework for ambitious Ethereum applications. The off-chain indexer for on-chain applications build with MUD. MODE uses PostgresDB as the underlying storage backend and works out-of-the-box with any MUD app. It is capable of indexing MUD applications on any EVM-compatible chain and can index multiple worlds per-chain. It is built primarily as a utility for synchronizing MUD clients to the table state on-chain.

How it's Made

🏗️ Local development setup

!!! The following steps are only necessary if you want to contribute to MUD. To use MUD in your project, install the packages from npm or set up a new project with the MUD cli. !!!

  1. Install go (required to build packages/services):

  2. Install protobuf (required to build packages/services):

  3. Install the foundry toolkit (required to build and test MUD solidity packages):

  4. Install pnpm

npm install pnpm --global
  1. Clone the MUD monorepo
git clone
  1. Install MUD dependencies and setup local environment
cd scroll-list && pnpm install
  1. 💡 Run the app
pnpm run dev
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