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Inspired by the Arabic words for voice and vote, Sawt aims to solve the death by committee problem in DAO governance.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Sawt aims to bring to the market a voting rule that minimizes collective discontent within a group, satisfying desirable properties like robustness to outliers and truthfulness. The practical applications of these theoretical concepts make the system useful as a price discovery mechanism for DAO treasury management, grant allocations, counter-proposal mechanisms and more.

We envision a flexible voting platform for inter and intra DAO communications that would bolster decentralized governance where participants could either propose their preferences or cast their votes. Through a simultaneous bid session, where a voting rule that aggregates all preferences satisfying some conditions of ideal voting systems, we aim to bring the wisdom of the crowd to use. Eventually, coupled with other tools, this platform could pave the way to collaboratively plan a DAO’s treasury operations.

In the whitepaper we wrote, we explore the application of game theory and social choice principles to decentralized voting systems to address communication inefficiencies. We demonstrate the potential of the median mechanism as a voting rule to enhance decision-making within the DAO ecosystems.

How it's Made

We used git, docker, html, javascript and css for the web3 native off-chain negotiation tool. We also integrated technologies such as Airstack, XMTP, Privy and Wallet Connect to establish an open governance tool with secure, private messaging. We are also scanning for token holders so that some proposals can be left private. We have chat system for people to chat onchain using XMTP

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