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A Point of Sale platform built on Polygon and IPFS designed for restaurants and retail.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🥇 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

Salespage: A Point of Sale platform built on Polygon and IPFS.

Inspired by platforms such as Square, Clover, and Toast - Salespage creates a Point of Sale (POS) management platform built on Polygon smart contracts to enable merchants of any size to create their own in-store purchase pages.

Every purchase gets emitted as a smart contract event and transactions are generated as NFTs with receipts that can be presented in-store as proof of purchase.

See the full description on github here:

How it's Made

  • IPFS/Filecoin (Hosting and sharing of assets): IPFS and Filecoin are the primary drivers making Salespage possible. Using, a storefront or product page creator can host a distributed restaurant menu. The images are pulled down every time a Point of Sale page is rendered on a device using IPFS addressing.
  • Polygon: Smart contract 'Salespage' (see contracts folder) representing a unique store front. Each deployed restaurant/retail page gets a distinct smart contract that emits an event whenever a customer completes a purchase.
  • Ceramic: Used for storefront metadata storage and retrieval using streams (community node: When a product page is accessed, a ceramic stream with the streamId of the page cid is opened and the metadata is rendered with the products from IPFS. Ceramic is invoked when the Salespage contract is first deployed and when the data is retried on Point of sales page render.
  • NFTPort: After payment is completed on Polygon, NFTPort generates a receipt that contains information about the items purchased, the name of the merchant, and ties it to the payer's address.
  • Covalent: Transaction history against each Salespage. Query the events and transaction receipts generated on a contract url. Covalent enables a reporting system of merchant success (and failure) by aggregating customer purchase transactions and categorizing them by outbound (payable) or inbound (receivable).
  • Spheron: Hosted on IPFS and Pinata, used Spheron Application hosting for the user-facing app demo.
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