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one safe, all chains


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Mostly everyone have used Safe's Multisig in Web3 but one issue with it is that it can only be deployed on Single chain. -> Let's say one user has funds on Optimism and one on Polygon so in this case they can't create a multisig in which widthrawl requires permission of both parties. -> Safe-X solves this issue using Hyperlane's Queries API.

How it is made : ->So firstly a user will create a safe with two signers,one himself(by default) and one from another chain(Avax,Mumbai,Sepolia). A unique safe Id will be assigned to this safe . Eg(10). -> The second user can sign a transaction of Approval from his chain with the Safe Id provided and that approval will be recorded on the base contract using Hyperlane's Query Api. -> For widthrawl we are checking if both the owners of the safe have accepted transaction or not. -> The user can store USDCs in the contract and further for widthrawl it can provide the address,safeId and ChainId to which the USDCs needs to be transfered. -> Using Circle's CCTP we are burning USDC on base chain and minting USDC to the specified address and Chain . -> After the widthrawl we are resetting the signing status of the safe,for new widthrawl,both users needs to sign again .


How it's Made

Transfer token from one chain to another.

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