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After getting frustrated by slow signers in a side-project multisig, I created a smart-contract incentive based game to encourage Safe participants to sign quickly. I was able to create a publish the smart contract that facilitates the game.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

My project is a smart-contract powered incentive game for Safe multisig signers. A side project that I work on has a 5/12 multisig, and often it is the same 6 people who go to the trouble of signing, while many never approve a single transaction. The delay in approval often has financial consequences for the project, and I'd love to see an incentive game that increases attention and action... so I made it during this hackathon.

I originally was hoping to create a Safe plugin, but as a non-developer that was a bit beyond my capabilities. Instead I focused on creating a smart contract (which is deployed on Ethereum Goerli) that has the logic necessary to administer the game. Game setup begins through each multisig signer 'buying in' at a set price. As transaction events come along, they would trigger a round of the game. Each round, all signers place a set value into the prize pool. Then the race to sign begins... each signer that is able to approve/reject the transaction becomes a recipient from the prize pool. Each signer who misses the transaction ends up losing their contribution to the prize pool. There is also a greater reward to the first signer, which diminishes until all necessary signing has occurred.

Next steps for the project would be to get a real smart-contract developer to take a look at my code, because it likely needs major refinement. I'd also like to look into building a Safe plugin so the game can be easily added to any Safe multisig.

How it's Made

I'm not a developer, so this project was a really fun learning experience. I spent the first half of the allotted time attempting to make a plugin using the Safe demo project. I eventually found myself in an infinite loop of error/debug/guess/repeat, so decided to focus instead on shipping a viable smart contract that contained all of the logic needed for the game. With lots of iterating between chatGPT and Remix I was able to build a viable Solidity smart contract. I used Hardhat to build and publish the contract to Ethereum Goerli. I also dusted off my highly atrophied git skills.

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