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Safe2Pay: Elevating Transactions, Ensuring Trust


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

In the modern gig economy, service provider, freelancers and companies often face challenges in securing payments and maintaining trust in project-based work. Issues such as non-payment, incomplete work, or miscommunication can lead to financial losses and damaged reputations.

Safe2Pay is a smart contract-powered solution designed to streamline and secure the payment process between two parties. It's not just a platform for connecting freelancers and companies with clients, but a robust system ensuring smooth financial transactions without the typical disputes. Key features of Safe2Pay include. The platform ensures: -Secure and timely payments -Accountability for work completion -Fair dispute resolution Safe2Pay stands out by offering a dependable environment for conducting transactions, particularly suited for service agreements and freelance contracts. Whether you're a service provider seeking assurance for your work or a client looking for a reliable payment mechanism, Safe2Pay caters to all your needs, making business transactions hassle-free and trustworthy.


How it's Made

Creating such a large struct causes stack overflow issues if any more variables are added. Faced issues while integrating anon adddhar

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