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SAFE Discovery

SAFE Discovery is a an ecosystem discovery platform and comprehensive transaction exploration tool tailored specifically for Safe transactions on the EVM blockchains using OP stack.

SAFE Discovery

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Project Description

SAFE Discovery is a an ecosystem discovery platform and comprehensive transaction exploration tool tailored specifically for Safe transactions on the EVM blockchains using OP stack. It is optimized specifically for exploring various types of Safe transactions, including multisig transactions, incoming batches, and batched transactions. It enables users to easily preview transaction history of different Safes, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of their activities.

Why SAFE-Discovery? While platforms like Etherscan and similar explorers are incredibly valuable for general-purpose transaction exploration, the nuances of different protocols often require a more specialized approach. SAFE-Discovery recognizes these nuances and focuses on delivering a user-friendly interface and powerful tools to explore Safe transactions in depth.

Pitch deck for the project:

How it's Made

Overview: The front-end of SAFE-Discovery is built using React and it uses NEXTjs framework. The dApp connects to the SAFE Core API in order to retrieve basic data about transactions, on top of that SAFE Core SDK is used to get data about modules, registry and plugins availabe on specific chain and whether or not they are used by specific SAFE multisig.

Sponsor technologies:

  • SAFE Core, AA sdks and API - Without these creating this project would be a lot more time consuming, especially because it would require setting up my own infrastructure to index SAFE transactions. Then it would require great effort to develop my own library decoding SAFE transactions. It was super helpful to have some of these things available from scratch.
  • Covalent API was used as additional data stream to quickly retrieve data that I wanted to display in the dApp. Without it querrying and parsing data from the blockchain would be much more time-consuming task.
  • Base L2 - I've decided to help support BASE with this project because of its early stage there is great need for ecosystem tools like these in order to achieve mass adoption. BASE is a great opportunity for this because of it's developer-friendly environment.
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