Make DeFi great again and don't let the memes rug you Make DeFi great again and don't let the memes rug you
Breaking free from scammy memecoins! Prevent from liquidity drainage.
We created a hook on PandcakeSwap/Uniswap V4 that protects users from being scammed by liquidity drainage.
LP providing, timeblock during a certain amount of time where you cannot withdraw liquidity. Users Uniswap pool with memecoins, price goes down to zero. RugStop guarantees, that if you have a token from a pool you cannot walk away.
For the rest we can also imagine to incentive locker provider with a fee discount swap.
Breaking free from scammy memecoins! Prevent from liquidity drainage.
We created a hook on PandcakeSwap/Uniswap V4 that protects users from being scammed by liquidity drainage.
LP providing, timeblock during a certain amount of time where you cannot withdraw liquidity. Hook prevents that
Users PandcakeSwap/Uniswap pool with memecoins, price goes down to zero. RugStop guarantees, that if you have a token from a pool you cannot walk away.